Happy Alone: Empowering and Safe Living for the Independent

Do you dream of independence but fear the loneliness that often comes with living alone? Or maybe you've already taken the plunge and find yourself craving connection and a sense of security. In this article, we'll show you how to create a fulfilling and secure solo life.

Why Some Choose To Live Alone?

People choose to live alone or independently for various reasons, and these choices are often influenced by a mix of personal preferences, lifestyle needs, and social factors. Here are some insights into why someone might prefer to live alone:

1. Desire for Solitude and Alone Time

Many people appreciate the peace that comes with solitude. Solitude allows individuals to recharge and reflect without external interruptions. Alone time can be particularly valuable for those who have demanding jobs or social lives, providing a necessary respite to regain energy.

2. Independence and Control

Living alone often means having complete control over one's environment and schedule. This independence can be very appealing, as it allows people to make decisions based solely on their preferences and needs, without having to compromise with others.

3. Personal Growth and Self-Discovery

Living alone can be a powerful way to learn more about oneself. Without the immediate influence of others, individuals have the space to explore their interests, hobbies, and passions. This solo journey of self-discovery can lead to significant personal growth and a stronger sense of self.

4. Flexibility and Freedom

Life alone provides a high degree of flexibility and freedom. Individuals can come and go as they please, arrange their living space to their liking, and pursue hobbies without considering others' schedules or preferences. This freedom can be very liberating.

5. Social Preferences

Some people are naturally introverted and prefer smaller social interactions to large gatherings. For these individuals, living alone can minimize feelings of being overwhelmed by constant social engagement and help manage feelings of loneliness by allowing them to engage socially on their terms.

6. Avoiding Conflict

Living alone can reduce potential conflicts that might arise from sharing a space with others. By avoiding the need to compromise on daily routines, cleanliness standards, and personal habits, individuals can maintain a more harmonious living environment.

7. Mental Health and Well-being

For some, living alone can contribute to better mental health. The autonomy and personal space it provides can help reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, those who are happy alone may experience less pressure to conform to social expectations, leading to a more authentic and satisfying life.

8. Focus on Hobbies and Interests

When living alone, individuals often have more time and space to focus on their hobbies and interests. Whether it's painting, writing, gardening, or any other solo activity, being alone allows for uninterrupted immersion in these pursuits.

Living Solo or Independently: Challenges and Resolutions

1. Feelings of Loneliness


  • Stay Connected: Make regular efforts to stay in touch with family and friends through calls, texts, or social media. Schedule regular visits or outings to maintain strong social ties.

  • Join Groups: Participate in clubs, classes, or community groups that interest you to meet new people and build a support network.

  • Adopt a Pet: If feasible, consider getting a pet for companionship. Pets can provide emotional support and reduce feelings of loneliness.

2. Safety and Security Concerns


  • Enhance Security: Install security systems, such as cameras, alarms, and motion-sensor lights. Ensure all doors and windows have sturdy locks.

  • Emergency Plans: Create an emergency plan, including a list of contacts and procedures for various scenarios. Keep a first aid kit and essential supplies easily accessible.

  • Self-Defense Training: Consider taking self-defense classes to build confidence and feel more secure in your home.

3. Financial Burden


  • Budgeting: Create a detailed budget to manage expenses effectively. Track your spending and look for areas where you can cut costs.

  • Supplemental Income: Explore opportunities for additional income, such as freelance work, part-time jobs, or passive income streams.

  • Cost Sharing: Consider subletting a room or finding a roommate to share expenses if feasible.

4. Lack of Immediate Support


  • Build a Support Network: Establish a network of friends, neighbors, and local contacts who can assist in emergencies or with day-to-day tasks.

  • Smart Home Devices: Invest in smart home devices that can help manage tasks and alert you to potential issues, such as smart thermostats, smoke detectors, and security cameras.

  • Emergency Services: Know the contact information for local emergency services and have a list of reliable service providers for home repairs and maintenance.

5. Household Responsibilities


  • Routine and Schedule: Develop a routine and schedule for household chores to make them more manageable. Break tasks into smaller, more frequent sessions to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  • Outsource Tasks: Consider outsourcing some tasks, such as hiring a cleaning service, gardener, or handyman for periodic help.

  • Efficient Solutions: Invest in time-saving appliances and tools, such as a dishwasher, robotic vacuum, or meal delivery services, to reduce the workload.

By implementing these resolutions, living solo or independently can become more manageable and fulfilling, turning potential challenges into opportunities for personal growth and self-reliance.

Related Article:
Making Your House Safer: Practical Safety at Home Tips

DIY Home Security Solution for Solo Residents

Safety was identified as one of the challenges of living alone, but don't worry, we have another solution for this. Kangaroo specializes in affordable, easy-to-install home security systems designed for simplicity and effectiveness. They offer a range of devices that cater specifically to solo residents who want to enhance their home security without complicated setups or monthly fees.

Benefits for Solo Residents:

  • Peace of Mind: Kangaroo provides an extra layer of security, helping solo residents feel safer in their homes.

  • DIY Installation: The setup process is straightforward and doesn’t require professional installation. This is ideal for solo residents who prefer to handle things independently without the need for technicians. 

  • Easy Expansion: You can start with basic components and expand your system as needed, adding more sensors or cameras without hassle.

  • Accessibility: The user-friendly interface and DIY setup make it accessible for individuals who may not be tech-savvy.

  • Affordability: Kangaroo’s pricing model, which includes no monthly fees and affordable equipment costs, is appealing to those on a budget.


  • Monitoring Options: While Kangaroo offers optional professional monitoring, some users may prefer 24/7 monitoring services provided by other companies for additional peace of mind.

  • Internet Reliability: Since Kangaroo systems rely on internet connectivity, ensure you have a stable internet connection to avoid disruptions in monitoring.

Best Kangaroo Devices for Solo Residents

  1. Kangaroo Doorbell Camera

  2. Kangaroo Motion + Entry Sensor

  3. Kangaroo Siren + Keypad

  4. Kangaroo Water + Climate Sensor

  5. Kangaroo Indoor + Outdoor Camera

Other Home Security Companies (DIY/Non-DIY)

  1. Ring

  2. SimpliSafe

  3. Abode

  4. Wyze

Remember, creating a safe and satisfying solo life is about more than just physical security and it's about fostering a sense of comfort and connection within your own space. By understanding your needs and leveraging resources like Kangaroo's user-friendly home security solutions, you can confidently embark on this journey towards a more empowered and secure lifestyle.


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