Campus Safety: Top 10 Safest Campus in the US

Choosing a college is a huge decision, and safety is a major concern for both students and parents. This list explores the top safest campuses in the US, providing peace of mind as you embark on your college journey. We'll go through the factors that contribute to a secure environment, from low crime rates to proactive safety measures. So, breathe a sigh of relief, and let's navigate the exciting world of colleges with safety as a top priority.

What Makes a College or Campus Safe?

A safe college or campus is characterized by a comprehensive approach to safety and security that includes robust policies, effective campus security measures, and proactive community engagement. Key elements contributing to campus safety include:

  • Campus Security and Campus Police: Ensure well-trained, visible, and responsive campus police who patrol, respond to emergencies and work with local law enforcement.

  • Crime Statistics and the Clery Act: Adhere to the Clery Act by transparently reporting crime statistics to keep students, faculty, and staff informed about campus crime rates.

  • Sexual Assault and Sexual Violence Prevention: Implement comprehensive programs that include education, prevention, support services, clear policies, counseling, health services, and regular training.

  • Safety and Security Infrastructure: Maintain robust safety infrastructure with well-lit pathways, secure dormitories, emergency call boxes, surveillance cameras, and access control mechanisms.

  • Active Shooter Preparedness: Develop and update emergency response plans, conduct drills, and educate the campus community on active shooter response, in collaboration with local law enforcement.

  • Community Engagement and Education: Engage the campus community in safety initiatives and educational programs on personal safety, crime prevention, and reporting suspicious activities.

  • Supportive Services and Reporting Mechanisms: Provide accessible, confidential reporting mechanisms for crimes and offer supportive services like counseling and legal assistance for victims.

Top 10 Safest Campus in The US

  1. Brigham Young University-Idaho in Rexburg, Idaho, is consistently ranked among the safest campuses. The university offers a 24/7 campus police department, a Night Safety Walk program, and an emergency notification system.​

  2. Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia, implements a range of safety measures, including a campus-wide emergency notification system, regular safety training programs, and a 24/7 campus police department.​

  3. California State University, Fullerton boasts a student-run Titan Night Safety Patrol program, comprehensive emergency alerts, and consistent safety education efforts.​

  4. Denison University in Granville, Ohio, emphasizes a strong community approach to safety with initiatives such as the Blue Light emergency phone system and regular safety training programs.​

  5. University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia offers the "Stand for State" program, which trains students to intervene in cases of stalking, sexual assault, and domestic violence. The university also provides a comprehensive emergency notification system and various safety services​ 

  6. Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, Texas, has a student-friendly safety environment with a self-paced syllabus system and a supportive community atmosphere.​

  7. St. Catherine University in Saint Paul, Minnesota, combines rigorous academics with a strong focus on social justice and safety, supported by a robust emergency alert system and security services.​

  8. Judson University in Elgin, Illinois, offers unique safety programs like the "Silent Witness" form for anonymous reporting and the "You’ve Been Tagged" initiative to remind students to lock their doors.​

  9. Menlo College in Atherton, California, utilizes a LiveSafe mobile app for quick communication with campus security and has a proactive Campus Watch Program.

  10. Corban University in Salem, Oregon, benefits from a nearby police academy and has a Crisis Intervention Policy to address psychological and physical issues promptly.

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These colleges and universities prioritize safety through a mix of technological solutions, student-led initiatives, and robust campus security departments, ensuring a secure environment for their communities.

General Safety Tips for Students and Dorm Students

Here are the top five safety tips for students going to school or living in a dorm, including the use of Kangaroo Home Security:

  1. Secure Your Dorm Room: Always lock your doors and windows when you leave your room, even if it’s just for a short period. Consider using a security system like Kangaroo Home Security, which offers affordable and easy-to-install devices such as door and window sensors, motion detectors, and security cameras to enhance dorm safety.

  2. Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Whether you're on campus or walking back to your dorm, stay alert. Avoid distractions such as texting or using headphones, especially at night. Familiarize yourself with the locations of emergency call boxes and campus security offices.

  3. Use the Buddy System: Whenever possible, walk with friends or classmates, especially during late hours. Many campuses offer safety escort services; don't hesitate to use them if you're alone. Programs like the student-led Night Safety Walk can provide additional security.

  4. Keep Valuables Secure: Do not leave your belongings unattended in common areas. Invest in a small safe or lockbox for your dorm room to store valuables like laptops, jewelry, and important documents. Utilize Kangaroo's home security cameras and motion sensors to monitor who enters your room.

  5. Report Suspicious Activity: If you notice anything unusual or feel unsafe, report it immediately to campus security or local authorities.

Students: Kangaroo Loves You Too

Kangaroo Home Security is perfect for students and renters due to its DIY self-installation and easy relocation features. The system's design ensures that setup is simple, with devices that can be installed using adhesive strips or basic mounting hardware, requiring no professional help. This makes installation quick and hassle-free. Additionally, the portability of Kangaroo devices allows users to easily remove and reinstall them when moving to a new location, making it an ideal security solution for those in dorms or rental properties.

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In conclusion, ensuring the safety and security of college campuses requires a multifaceted approach that includes effective campus security, transparent crime reporting, and comprehensive programs to address sexual assault and violence. By implementing robust safety infrastructure and preparedness plans, engaging the campus community in safety initiatives, and offering supportive services and reporting mechanisms, colleges and universities can create a secure environment conducive to learning and personal growth.


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