Breaking the Black Mirror: Debunking Stereotypes and Myths About Smart Homes

There are plenty of misconceptions about smart homes. Sci-fi movies might depict smart homes as robot-dominated territory where your television is out for blood. Meanwhile, others may see smart homes as an unnecessary gimmick altogether. 

No matter what you think of this technology, it’s a trend that’s undoubtedly on the rise. According to a recent report, 50 percent of U.S. consumers now own at least one smart home device — and more households are cutting the cord each day. However, with so many confusing gadgets out there, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and too intimidated to take the plunge. But remember, smart home technology is meant to simplify your life, not make it more complicated. 

Below, we break down some of the most common stereotypes and myths about smart homes!

Myth 1: You need to be tech-savvy to enjoy a smart home. 

If you often feel frustrated with your own phone or need reinforcements to export a PDF, you might dismiss the idea of smart homes altogether. But you don’t need to speak fluent tech to enjoy smart homes. Like we said, the right tech is designed to lessen your everyday stress, not add to it. This is why, at Kangaroo, we design all our devices with simplicity and user-friendliness in mind. No fussy cords, complex panels, or hardwiring required — because we want you to spend more time doing things that actually matter. So if you’re taking hours to decipher a manual for one light switch, perhaps it’s time to rethink what kind of smart home you’re building. 

Myth 2: Smart homes are too easy to hack into.

Cybersecurity is perhaps one of the biggest concerns that consumers have about smart homes. In reality, data breaches and hacking aren’t complete myths. It sometimes happens, but the risk is just like any other WiFi-connected gadget — including the phone or laptop you’re probably reading this on. Fortunately, many companies are taking extra steps to make smart devices more secure. For example, we designed our Privacy Camera with an innovative PDLC glass, which creates a physical barrier in front of the lens to guarantee that no one’s watching from the other side. Of course, there are some precautions that you as a consumer can do for added protection, such as installing a firewall and maintaining strong passwords. There’s no need to feel unsafe in your own smart home.

Myth 3: Smart devices are too expensive.

Yes, there are $5000-refrigerators that let you shop for groceries and stream videos from your freezer. Yes, there are $500 motion sensors that promise cutting-edge features and peace of mind at night. But they’re no longer your only options, and a bigger price tag doesn’t mean better quality either. Thanks to major advancements, smart home tech has become much more efficient and accessible to more people. Take our own Doorbell Camera, for instance. At $25, it’s inarguably the most affordable security device on the market. But don’t let its price fool you; it’s got all the features you need to secure your home — including HQ image captures, chime alerts, and motion detection. The best part is that your Kangaroo gear practically pays for itself, since they’re classified as “protective devices” and are eligible for discounts through your insurance company. We’ll even file the boring paperwork so you don’t have to. 


Myth 4: Building a smart home isn’t a worthy investment.

You can certainly live a high quality of life without a garage door that opens automatically, or a thermostat that adjusts via voice command. And so, the worthiness of a smart home is entirely up to you. But for many people, the value of smart home devices is invaluable — whether it’s an alarm that lets them sleep more soundly at night, a camera that allows them to keep an eye on family, or speakers that know to play their favorite songs after a long day. It may not seem like much on the surface, but smart home devices can make your life safer, more comfortable, and overall more enjoyable. Sounds pretty worth it, if you ask us!

Ready to start creating your smart home? Check out our range of Kangaroo products here. 


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