Porch Pirates Vs Texas: Winning the Battle Over Stolen Packages

Have you ever ordered something online only to find an empty porch where your delivery should be? You're not alone. Package theft, also known as "porch piracy," is a growing problem nationwide. But in Texas, things are a little different. The Lone Star State is taking a stand against these sticky-fingered thieves with a unique blend of law enforcement and good ol' Texas grit. Get ready for the showdown between porch pirates and the fierce spirit of Texas in our fight to win the battle over stolen packages.

Is Porch Pirate a Big Problem in Texas?

This rise of e-commerce has created a prime opportunity for these criminals, and Texas, with its large and growing population, is a prime target. The problem goes beyond the inconvenience and financial loss for Texans. It can disrupt daily routines, violate a sense of security in one's own home, and even lead to identity theft if stolen packages contain personal information.

But here's where Texas takes a bite out of crime. In 2019, House Bill 37 was enacted, making stealing packages a felony offense. The severity of the punishment depends on the number of addresses targeted. Stealing from fewer than 10 homes is a Class A misdemeanor, but it gets steeper from there. Target 10-30 addresses and it's a state jail felony while hitting 31 or more bumps it up to a third-degree felony Texas Penal Code - PENAL 31.20. This tough stance on mail theft, which includes packages, discourages porch pirates and gives Texans peace of mind knowing the law is on their side.

Battling Porch Pirates in Texas: Keeping Your Packages Safe

Texas may be known for its hospitality, but porch pirates don't seem to have gotten the memo. Here's how you can fight back against package theft in the Lone Star State:

Defense Strategies:

  • Outsmart the Pirates: Utilize alternative delivery options! Look for services like Amazon Lockers or FedEx Delivery Manager. These allow you to pick up packages at secure locations instead of leaving them vulnerable on your porch.

  • See Who's There and Talk Back: Install a doorbell camera, like a Kangaroo Doorbell and Video Doorbell Camera, or a security camera like our Indoor + Outdoor camera facing your porch. The Kangaroo Video Doorbell Camera offers two-way talk functionality, allowing you to directly address anyone approaching your door, which can deter thieves and provide valuable footage for catching them in the act.

  • Box Clever: Consider a lockable package delivery box for your porch. Delivery drivers can securely deposit your packages inside, keeping them safe from porch pirates.

Be Proactive with Deliveries:

  • Track It Closely: Stay informed. Sign up for delivery notifications from USPS FedEx, Amazon, or whichever delivery company is handling your package. This allows you to plan to be home for the delivery or make arrangements with a neighbor to receive it for you.

  • Communicate with Delivery Companies: Many delivery companies, like FedEx Delivery Manager, allow you to request specific delivery options. See if you can request a signature confirmation or hold the package for pick-up at a local facility if you won't be home.

If the Worst Happens:

  • File a Report: If your package is stolen, file a police report as soon as possible. Having a report is crucial for insurance claims and may help track down the stolen goods. Don't forget to include details like the description of the package, any tracking information, and potential video footage from your Kangaroo Doorbell Camera.

  • Contact the Seller/Delivery Company: Report the theft to the seller or the delivery company you used. They may be able to help you track the package or offer a replacement or refund depending on their policies.

Remember: Texas has strong laws against porch piracy (Texas Penal Code, Section 31.20). The severity of punishment increases with the number of addresses targeted. This law enforcement muscle, coupled with your proactive measures, can significantly reduce the risk of porch piracy and keep your Texas deliveries safe.

Don't Let Porch Pirates Win in Texas: The Kangaroo Advantage

With Kangaroo's Camera Protect Plan, safeguarding against porch pirates becomes a seamless endeavor. Harnessing advanced technology, Kangaroo's surveillance cameras stand as vigilant sentinels, keeping watch over your doorstep with unwavering diligence. Porch pirates, once emboldened by anonymity, now face the stark reality of being caught in the act. Kangaroo's comprehensive coverage not only deters thieves but also provides irrefutable evidence in the event of an attempted theft. Through real-time alerts and crisp video footage, homeowners gain the upper hand in protecting their deliveries and deterring would-be thieves. Kangaroo's commitment to security extends beyond mere surveillance, instilling peace of mind and restoring confidence in the sanctity of home deliveries.

Related articles:
Uh Oh! Package Thieves Love This Time of Day

Package Theft 101: Don't Let Your Deliveries Disappear!

Package Stolen? Don't Panic: How to Get Your Money Back on a Stolen Delivery

Porch Pirate Payback

Fighting Back as a Community

Porch piracy isn't just an individual's problem. Here are some ways Texans can fight back as a community:

  • Neighborhood Watch Programs: Consider joining or starting a neighborhood watch program. Increased vigilance in your community can deter thieves and create a network of support if a package theft occurs.

  • Educate Your Neighbors: Spread awareness about porch piracy and prevention tips among your neighbors. The more informed your community is, the harder it will be for porch pirates to operate.

  • Lobby for Stronger Laws: While Texas already has strong laws against porch piracy, consider advocating for even stricter penalties or preventative measures at the local or state level.

By employing a combination of these strategies, Texans can significantly reduce the risk of porch piracy and keep their deliveries safe.

Top 5 Cities With the Most Package Theft Cases

The top five cities in Texas with the most reported cases of package theft may vary over time, but historically, some of the cities that have experienced higher rates of package theft include:

  1. Houston: Being one of the largest cities in Texas, Houston often experiences a higher volume of package theft due to its size and population density.

  2. Dallas: With its bustling urban environment, Dallas has also seen its fair share of package theft incidents, especially in densely populated neighborhoods.

  3. Austin: The capital city of Texas, Austin, has witnessed an increase in package theft cases, particularly in residential areas and neighborhoods with high online shopping activity.

  4. San Antonio: As another major metropolitan area in Texas, San Antonio has encountered instances of package theft, especially in neighborhoods with frequent deliveries.

  5. Fort Worth: Rounding out the list, Fort Worth has experienced its challenges with package theft, particularly in suburban and urban areas where porch piracy is more prevalent.

It's important to note that these rankings may change over time, and package theft can occur in any city or town regardless of its size or location.


Don't let porch pirates win. Texas has your back with strong laws and a fierce community spirit. By taking proactive steps - utilizing alternative delivery options like Amazon Lockers or FedEx Delivery Manager, installing a Kangaroo Doorbell Camera or Indoor + Outdoor Camera (security camera)with the Kangaroo Camera Protect Plan. Consider using a lockable package delivery box to significantly reduce your risk of package theft.

Remember, staying informed with delivery notifications from USPS, FedEx, Amazon, or any delivery company can help you plan to be home for deliveries. And if the worst happens, filing a police report with details about your stolen package is crucial. Fight back against porch piracy, Texas. Keep your deliveries safe and sound with a little vigilance and the right tools.

Fun Fact!

A study by Rutgers University found that simply placing a "Beware of Dog" sign by your door, even if you don't have a dog, can deter porch pirates. While it might not stop the most determined thieves, it can be a great additional layer of defense, especially when combined with other.


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