Is Home Insurance Really Worth It After a Theft? The Great Debate

Experiencing a home theft is a nightmare scenario for any homeowner. The violation of personal space, the loss of cherished belongings, and the stress of dealing with the aftermath can be overwhelming. In such a situation, many homeowners turn to their home insurance, hoping it will cushion the financial blow. But is homeowner insurance really worth it after a theft? Let's dive into the great debate and explore the realities of insurance coverage, claims, and the true value of protection.

Understanding Home Insurance Coverage for Theft

Most homeowner insurance policies offer coverage for theft, typically as part of the personal property coverage section. This means your policy can reimburse you for the value of stolen items, and potentially cover additional costs like repairs to damaged property (e.g., a broken window during a break-in).

Reputable sources like Nationwide and Allstate confirm that standard homeowner policies generally cover theft. However, it's important to understand the specifics of your policy. Coverage limits, deductibles, and exclusions can vary, so it's crucial to review your policy carefully or consult your insurance agent for clarification.

The Reality of Theft Claims: Data and Insights

While home insurance can be a lifesaver after a theft, the claims process and coverage can vary significantly. Here's what the data from the insurance industry tells us:

Frequency of Theft Claims: According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), property damage, including theft, accounted for 97.8% of homeowners insurance claims in 2022. This indicates that theft is a common claim event for homeowners.

Homeowners Insurance Losses, 2018-2022 (1)

Year Claim frequency (2) Claim severity (3) Year Claim frequency (2) Claim severity (3)
2018 6.31 $14,579 2021 5.39 $16,801
2019 5.39 $14,090 2022 5.45 $18,311
2020 6.45 $15,053

(1) For homeowners multiple peril policies (HO-2, HO-3, HO-5 and HE-7 for North Carolina). Excludes tenants and condominium policies. Excludes Alaska, Texas and Puerto Rico.
(2) Claims per 100 house-years (policies). One house-year represents policy coverage on a dwelling for 12 months.
(3) Average amount paid per claim; based on accident year incurred losses, excluding loss adjustment expenses, i.e., indemnity costs per accident year incurred claims.
(4) Weighted average, 2018-2022. Source: ISO®, a Verisk Analytics® business.

Average Claim Payout for Theft: Between 2017 and 2021, the average property damage claim payout was $15,091, with theft likely accounting for a significant portion of this amount. (III)

Underinsurance Problem: Studies suggest that approximately 60% of homes are undervalued for insurance policies, meaning many homeowners may not have enough coverage to fully replace their belongings in the event of a major theft. (

Claim Approval Rates: The approval rate for theft claims varies depending on several factors, including the evidence provided and the specifics of the policy. However, some insurance companies report that a significant percentage of claims are denied due to insufficient documentation or policy exclusions.

Importance of Documentation: According to a 2023 Munich Re Consumer Survey, only 47% of homeowners have prepared a home inventory, which is crucial for documenting losses and ensuring a smoother claims process.

It's important to note that these are just general trends and averages. The specifics of your policy, the value of your stolen items, and the circumstances of the theft will all impact your individual claim experience.

Kangaroo's Protection Plans: A Supplemental Layer of Security

While homeowner's insurance is essential, it's important to consider additional protection options to ensure your peace of mind. Kangaroo's unique protection plans offer valuable supplements to your existing coverage:

Kangaroo Cam Protect Plan: This plan provides coverage for theft of delivered packages captured by your Kangaroo camera, with an average claim payout of $200-$300.

Kangaroo Complete Plan: This comprehensive plan expands coverage beyond package theft to include theft or damage to your Kangaroo devices themselves, as well as accidental damage to your home caused by break-ins.

With a 21% denial rate on Kangaroo claims due to factors like incorrect claim type, lack of response, or missing documentation, these plans can offer additional peace of mind and financial protection.

The Voices of Experience: Kangaroo Customers Share Their Stories

While statistics paint a broad picture, real-life stories offer valuable insights. Here's what Kangaroo customers who've filed theft claims have to say:

  • "Very smooth process." - Rodriguez, C.

  • "It was a very simple process, and you all handled it well." - Partida, C.

  • "I felt taken care of and the request for information were clear." - Pease, S.

  • "Everything was a breeze. Thank you for making it easy!" - Griffin, N.  

These testimonials highlight the positive experiences many homeowners have with their Kangaroo protection plans, particularly when the claims process is handled smoothly and efficiently. Kangaroo ensures that customers have a safety net in case of unexpected events.

Weighing the Pros and Cons: Is Home Insurance Worth It?

Like any financial decision, getting home insurance involves weighing the costs and benefits.


  • Financial Protection: In the unfortunate event of a theft, home insurance can help you replace stolen items and repair damage, saving you from significant financial loss.

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing you have coverage can provide peace of mind and help you feel more secure in your home.

  • Additional Living Expenses (ALE): Some policies cover additional living expenses if your home is temporarily uninhabitable due to the theft.


  • Premiums and Deductibles: Home insurance comes with regular premiums, and you'll need to pay a deductible when filing a claim.

  • Claim Denials: Not all claims are approved, so there's a risk of not receiving compensation for your losses.

  • Potential Premium Increases: While Kangaroo doesn't raise premiums after theft claims, some insurers might.

The Verdict: Peace of Mind Prevails

Despite the potential downsides, the consensus among experts and experienced homeowners is clear: home insurance is absolutely worth it after a theft. The financial protection it offers far outweighs the cost of premiums, especially when you consider the potentially devastating financial impact of replacing all your belongings out of pocket.

Tips for Maximizing Your Home Insurance Protection:

  • Review Your Policy: Understand your coverage limits, deductibles, and exclusions.

  • Create a Home Inventory: Document your belongings with photos and receipts to simplify the claims process.

  • Consider Additional Coverage: For high-value items, consider adding a scheduled personal property endorsement or supplementing with Kangaroo's Cam Protect or Complete plans for extra protection.

  • Secure Your Home: Invest in security measures like Kangaroo's DIY home security system, which can help deter theft and potentially lower your insurance premiums.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that your home insurance policy, potentially enhanced by Kangaroo's protection plans, provides the comprehensive coverage you need, giving you peace of mind in the face of unexpected events like theft.


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How to Get an Insurance Discount for Your Security System
Understanding the Basics: How Insurance Claims Work
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Homeowner Insurance Coverage:

Your Questions Answered

Q: What does homeowner insurance typically cover?

A: Homeowner insurance, also known as HO insurance, is a package policy that typically includes several types of coverage:

  • Dwelling coverage: This covers damage to the structure of your home caused by covered perils like fire, windstorm, or hail.

  • Other structures coverage: This covers damage to structures on your property that are not attached to your home, such as a detached garage or shed.

  • Personal property coverage: This covers your belongings inside your home, like furniture, appliances, and clothing, in the event of theft, fire, or other covered perils.   1.

  • Loss of use coverage: Also called additional living expenses (ALE) coverage, this can help pay for living expenses if your home is temporarily uninhabitable due to a covered loss.

  • Personal liability coverage: This protects you if someone is injured on your property and you are held legally responsible. It can cover medical payments, legal fees, and other costs.

  • Medical payments to others coverage: This covers medical expenses for guests who are injured on your property, regardless of who is at fault.

Q: What is a deductible in home insurance?

A: A deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. For example, if you have a $1,000 deductible and a covered loss costs $5,000 to repair, you would pay $1,000 and the insurance company would pay the remaining $4,000.  


Q: Does homeowner insurance cover theft?

A: Yes, most homeowner insurance policies include coverage for theft. This means your insurer will reimburse you for the value of stolen personal property up to the limit of your coverage. It's important to have a detailed home inventory to document your belongings.

Q: Does homeowner insurance cover water damage?

A: It depends on the cause of the water damage. Homeowner's insurance typically covers sudden and accidental water damage, such as a burst pipe. However, it usually doesn't cover damage caused by gradual leaks or flooding. For flood protection, you would need a separate flood insurance policy.

Q: Is earthquake damage covered by homeowner insurance?

A: No, earthquake damage is not typically covered by standard homeowner insurance policies. You would need to purchase a separate earthquake endorsement or policy for this type of coverage.

Q: What are some common exclusions in home insurance policies?

A: Some common exclusions include:

  • Flood damage

  • Earthquake damage

  • Wear and tear

  • Intentional damage

  • Maintenance issues

  • Damage caused by pests

It's important to review your policy carefully to understand what is and isn't covered.

Q: Can I get a discount on my home insurance for having a burglar alarm?

A: Yes, many insurance companies offer discounts for having a home security system. The amount of the discount varies, but it can be a significant savings.

Q: What should I do if my home is burglarized?

A: First, make sure everyone is safe and contact the police to file a report. Then, contact your insurance agent as soon as possible to start the claims process. You will need to provide documentation of the stolen items, such as receipts, photos, or a home inventory.

Q: What is the Insurance Information Institute (III)?

A: The III is a non-profit organization that provides consumer education and information about insurance. They offer resources on a variety of insurance topics, including homeowner insurance.

Q: Do I need renter's insurance if I don't own my home?

A: Yes, renter's insurance is important even if you don't own your home. It provides coverage for your personal property, liability protection, and additional living expenses if your rental unit becomes uninhabitable.

Q: How much homeowner insurance do I need?

A: The amount of insurance coverage you need depends on several factors, including the value of your home, the cost to rebuild it, the value of your personal belongings, and your liability limit. An insurance agent can help you determine the right amount of coverage for your specific needs.


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