7 Budget-Friendly Security Tips for Roommates

Sharing a living space with roommates can be a fun and cost-effective way to live, but it also comes with unique security challenges. A recent study by the National Crime Prevention Council revealed that rental properties are more susceptible to burglaries than owner-occupied homes. Fortunately, there are plenty of budget-friendly measures you can take to deter thieves and enhance the safety of your shared space.

1.Solidarity in Security:

Open communication and collaboration with your roommates are crucial for establishing a secure living environment. Start by discussing security concerns and establishing clear house rules for everyone to follow. These rules might include always locking doors and windows, even when you're just stepping out for a moment, keeping the garage door closed, and not propping open the main entrance. Ensure everyone understands the importance of these practices and their role in deterring opportunistic burglars.

2.Fortify Your Entry Points:

Your doors and windows are the most vulnerable points of entry for intruders. A study by the FBI found that 34% of burglars enter through the front door, so making it as secure as possible is crucial. Reinforce them with robust security measures:

  • Strong Locks: Upgrade to sturdy deadbolts and strike plates on all exterior doors. Consider adding a chain lock for an additional layer of protection.

  • Window Locks: Install window locks on all accessible windows. For added security, consider using window security film, which makes it more difficult for intruders to break through the glass.

  • Smart Locks: If your budget allows, smart locks offer convenient features like keyless entry, remote access control, and activity logs, enhancing both convenience and security.

  • Sliding Glass Doors: Secure sliding glass doors with a dowel or commercially available security bar to prevent them from being lifted off their tracks.

3.Illuminate the Night:

Burglars prefer to operate under the cover of darkness. Install motion detector lights around your home's exterior, including the driveway and backyard. Brightly lit areas act as a deterrent and make it harder for intruders to approach unnoticed.

4.Invest in  Alarm System:

A home security system doesn't need to be expensive to be effective. DIY options like Kangaroo Home Security offer affordable starter kits with motion detectors, door/window sensors, video doorbell, photo doorbell, and sirens. Even the presence of a security sign can deter would-be thieves. Statistics show that homes without security systems are 300% more likely to be burglarized.

5.Leverage the Power of Cameras:

Home security cameras are a powerful deterrent and can provide valuable evidence if a crime occurs. Consider installing a video doorbell to monitor your front door, allowing you to see and communicate with visitors remotely. Place outdoor cameras to cover blind spots and monitor entry points. Even an indoor camera in a common area can be beneficial for added security and peace of mind.

6.Community Watch: Strength in Numbers:

Get to know your neighbors and consider starting a neighborhood watch program. By looking out for each other's homes and reporting suspicious activity, you create a safer environment for everyone. Studies show that neighborhoods with active watch programs experience a significant decrease in crime rates.

7.Hide Your Valuables and Spare Keys:

Don't make it easy for thieves. Keep valuables like jewelry, electronics, and cash in a fireproof safe. Avoid leaving spare keys in obvious hiding places like under the doormat or in a flower pot. Instead, give a spare key to a trusted neighbor or friend.

Additional Tips:

  • Be Mindful of Social Media: Avoid posting about your vacation plans or whereabouts on social media, as this could alert potential intruders that your home is empty.

  • Change the Locks: If you're moving into a new place, it's a good idea to change the locks, as you don't know who might have copies of the old keys.

  • Secure Your Garage: Don't forget to lock your garage door and any access points to your home from the garage.

  • Remove Ladders and Tools: Don't leave ladders or tools outside that could be used to break into your home.

  • Close Blinds and Curtains at Night: This prevents potential burglars from seeing inside your home and assessing your valuables.

By implementing these budget-friendly security measures, you and your roommates can create a safer and more secure living environment. Remember, it's not about creating a fortress, but about making your home less of a target and deterring potential intruders.

Estimated Costs for Budget-Friendly Security Upgrades:

To help you plan your security budget, here's a breakdown of estimated costs for common security measures:

Item Estimated Cost (USD)
Deadbolts $15-$50 per lock
Strike plates $5-$15 each
Window locks $5-$20 per lock
Window security film $10-$30 per window
Smart locks $100-$300 per lock
Motion sensor lights $15-$50 per light
Smart lights $15-$50 per bulb
Basic DIY home security system $100-$300
Security camera $20-$200 per camera (indoor/outdoor)
Video doorbell $50-$250
Fireproof safe $30-$200
Garage door lock $20-$50
Security sign $10-$20

The majority of burglaries happen during the day when homes are likely to be unoccupied. That's why it's crucial to secure your home even if you're just stepping out for a quick errand.

Simple actions like locking doors and windows can deter opportunistic thieves and significantly reduce your risk of becoming a victim of theft.



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