5 Key Homeowners Insurance Discounts to Reduce Your Premium

Homeownership comes with its fair share of responsibilities, and one of those is securing the right homeowners insurance. While it's essential to protect your investment, those insurance premiums can add up. But did you know that there are plenty of ways to save on your homeowner insurance costs? Let's explore some key discounts you might qualify for, and how a little effort can translate to big savings!

1. Multi-Policy Discount: Bundle Up and Save

Potential Savings: 5% to 25%

One of the easiest and most effective ways to slash your home insurance premium is by bundling it with your auto insurance under the same provider. Insurance companies love loyal customers, and they'll often reward you with a significant discount for entrusting them with multiple policies. It's a win-win: you streamline your insurance management, and they offer you a lower rate.

From the insurer's perspective, bundling multiple policies with a single customer fosters loyalty and reduces the likelihood of that customer switching to a competitor. It also streamlines their administrative processes, as they can manage multiple policies for a single client more efficiently.

For you, the homeowner, the benefits are clear. By bundling your home and auto insurance, you can enjoy a substantial discount on your premiums, often ranging from 5% to 25%. These savings can add up significantly over time, freeing up funds for other essential expenses or investments. Additionally, bundling simplifies your insurance management. Instead of dealing with multiple companies and payment schedules, you have a single point of contact for all your insurance needs.

It's important to note that while bundling can lead to significant savings, it's crucial to compare quotes from different insurers before making a decision. Ensure that the bundled price is truly the best deal available and that the coverage offered meets your specific requirements. Don't hesitate to ask your insurance agent about the specifics of their multi-policy discount and how it can benefit you.

2. Claims-Free Discount: A Reward for Responsible Homeownership

Potential Savings: 5% to 20%

A clean claims history speaks volumes about your responsible homeownership. Insurance companies recognize this and often offer discounts to policyholders who haven't filed any claims for a certain period. It's a great incentive to keep your home safe and well-maintained, and it could translate to substantial savings on your premiums.

Insurance providers recognize and appreciate this responsible behavior by offering attractive discounts to policyholders who have maintained a claims-free record for a certain period, typically ranging from three to five years. The specific discount percentage can vary depending on the insurer and your individual circumstances, but it can lead to substantial savings on your annual premium.

This discount serves as a powerful incentive to prioritize home maintenance and safety. By taking proactive steps to prevent accidents, address minor issues before they escalate, and implement security measures, you not only safeguard your home but also reap the financial benefits of lower insurance costs.

3. Home Security Discount: Protect Your Home, Save on Insurance

Potential Savings: 5% to 20%

Installing a security system can do more than deter theft; it can also earn you a home insurance discount. Many insurance companies offer reduced premiums for homes equipped with security systems, as they decrease the risk of theft and damage. Smart home devices like security cameras, motion sensors, and even smart locks can all contribute to making your home safer and potentially lowering your insurance costs.

The rationale behind this discount is simple: a well-protected home is less likely to experience a claim, which translates to reduced risk for the insurance company. By investing in home security, you demonstrate your commitment to safeguarding your property and minimizing potential losses, making you a more desirable policyholder.

Kangaroo Home Security: Your Smart Home Savings Solution

Kangaroo offers affordable and user-friendly smart home security systems that can help you qualify for these valuable insurance discounts. Our range of devices is designed for easy setup and seamless integration, making home security accessible and convenient for everyone.

With features like motion detection, real-time alerts, and two-way audio, our systems empower you to monitor your home from anywhere, deter potential intruders, and respond quickly to emergencies. Plus, our optional Complete Protect Plan offers additional benefits like 24/7 professional monitoring and theft & damage reimbursement, providing even more peace of mind and potential savings.

By investing in a Kangaroo home security system, you're not only protecting your home and loved ones, but you're also taking a proactive step towards reducing your insurance premiums. It's a smart investment that pays off in multiple ways.

So, if you're looking for a way to enhance your home security and potentially save on your insurance, consider exploring Kangaroo's range of affordable and effective smart home security solutions. It's a decision that could benefit both your peace of mind and your wallet.

4. New Home Discount: Modern Construction, Lower Risk

Potential Savings: 5% to 15%

If you're lucky enough to own a new home, you might be in for a treat. Insurance companies often offer discounts for new homes, as they tend to be built with modern construction materials and safety features that reduce the risk of damage. This translates to lower insurance costs for you.

5. Loyalty Discount: A Reward for Sticking Around

Potential Savings: Varies by insurer

Some insurance companies like to show their appreciation for long-term customers by offering loyalty discounts. The longer you stay with the same insurer, the more you could save.

Special Discounts: Who Else Qualifies?

Besides these common discounts, several groups may be eligible for special discounts:

  • Seniors: Many insurers offer discounts to seniors.

  • Veterans and active military personnel: Insurance companies often provide discounts to honor the service of veterans and active-duty military members.

  • Non-smokers: Some insurers offer discounts for homeowners who don't smoke, as it reduces the risk of fire damage.

Remember: Shop Around and Ask Questions!

The best way to ensure you're getting the most affordable home insurance is to shop around and compare quotes from different insurance companies. Don't hesitate to ask your insurance agent about all the available discounts you may be eligible for. Also, inquire about how upgrading your home's security or making improvements like installing a new roof could impact your premium.

Kangaroo Dory Concierge: Your Personal Insurance Assistant

Potential Savings: Varies by insurer

To make the process even easier, Kangaroo offers a unique service called Dory Concierge. This smart tool helps you find hidden savings on your home insurance by analyzing your existing policy and identifying potential discounts. It's like having a personal insurance expert working for you!

Real Stories, Real Savings

Don't just take our word for it – here's what some Kangaroo customers have to say about their experience with Dory:

  • "I didn't even know this was possible until I contacted Kangaroo, and I was offered it! They contacted my insurance company and saved me 10% overall." - Spree, Oct 2022

  • "Thanks Kangaroo - impeccable Customer Service Team so appreciated!" - Melissa, Nov 2022, $72 refund plus $51 annual savings on premium

  • "Thanks for letting me know I was eligible for the discount." - Robert, Dec 2022, $92 discount on annual premium

  • "The entire process was satisfactory." - Caleb, Feb 2024, $154 annual premium discounts

  • "Super easy and super helpful." - Pat, Oct 2022, $175 discount on their annual premium

Related Statistics on Homeowners Insurance Discounts

  • According to a survey by Insurance.com, the average homeowner saves about $730 per year by taking advantage of various discounts.

  • The most common discounts include multi-policy discounts (saving an average of 17%), claims-free discounts (saving an average of 10%), and discounts for protective devices like security systems (saving an average of 5%).

  • Bundling home and auto insurance is one of the most effective ways to save, with potential discounts ranging from 5% to 25%.

  • Other factors, such as your credit score, the age of your home, and even your occupation can also impact your eligibility for discounts.

Read More:

How to Get an Insurance Discount for Your Security System
Understanding the Basics: How Insurance Claims Work
Smart Homes, Smarter Savings: Big Discounts on Your Homeowners Insurance


Homeowners insurance is a vital part of protecting your investment, but it doesn't have to break the bank. By being proactive and taking advantage of available discounts, you can significantly lower your insurance costs. Whether it's bundling your policies, installing a smart home security system, or maintaining a good credit score, there are plenty of ways to save.

Remember, your home is your haven, and protecting it should be both effective and affordable. With a little research and the help of tools like Kangaroo's Dory Concierge, you can find the perfect insurance policy that fits your needs and your budget.

Dory Q&A:

Your Path to Insurance Savings

What is Dory?

Dory is our intelligent discount engine designed to help you uncover potential savings on your current home or car insurance policy. It's like having a personal insurance assistant dedicated to finding you discounts you might have missed.

Is my data safe?

Absolutely! Dory utilizes state-of-the-art data storage from our trusted third-party vendors. We never access your data directly, ensuring your information remains secure.

What information do you need?

To help you maximize your savings, we'll need some basic details about your current insurance policy, including:

  • Dwelling type (e.g., house, apartment, condo)

  • State of residence

  • Policy number

  • Insurer's name

With your permission, we'll then connect with your insurer to apply any eligible discounts on your behalf.

How much discount can I get?

You could potentially save up to 20% annually! The actual discount amount depends on your individual policy and any discounts you've already applied. Dory helps identify missed opportunities and ensures you're getting the most out of your coverage.

What are the requirements?

Simply fill out our easy-to-use Dory Engine form, and we'll handle the rest with your permission. It's that straightforward!

Do I have to use Kangaroo devices to get a discount?

No, you don't! While Kangaroo devices can further enhance your security discount eligibility, you can provide certificates for other security systems or devices as required by your insurer. For other safety features like deadbolts, safety locks, and gates, Kangaroo can even provide the necessary certificate with photo proof.

Do I pay you for processing this for me?

Not at all! Dory is a completely FREE service, no strings attached. We're happy to help you discover and secure those valuable insurance discounts.

Have more questions? Reach out to our customer support team, and we'll be glad to assist you on your journey to insurance savings.

Home Insurance Q&A:

Your Questions Answered

What is homeowners insurance and why do I need it?

A: Homeowners insurance, also called home insurance, is a type of insurance policy that protects your home and belongings against damage or loss due to covered events like fire, theft, or natural disasters. It also offers liability coverage in case someone gets injured on your property. It's essential for homeowners as it provides financial protection for your investment and can help you recover from unexpected events.

What factors affect my home insurance premium?

A: Several factors influence your home insurance premium, including:

  • Coverage Limits: The amount of coverage you choose for your dwelling, personal property, and liability will affect your premium. Higher coverage limits typically result in higher premiums.

  • Deductible: The amount you agree to pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. A higher deductible generally means a lower premium.

  • Location: Your home's location plays a role due to factors like crime rates, proximity to fire stations, and susceptibility to natural disasters.

  • Home Characteristics: The age, size, construction materials, and condition of your home can impact your premium. New homes often qualify for discounts due to modern construction and safety features.

  • Credit Score: A good credit score can often lead to lower premiums, as insurers view you as a lower risk.

  • Claims History: If you have a history of filing insurance claims, you may face higher premiums.

How can I save money on my homeowners insurance?

A: There are several ways to potentially save money on your home insurance:

  • Shop Around: Get quotes from multiple insurance providers to compare coverage and prices.

  • Bundle Home and Auto Insurance: Many insurers offer discounts for bundling your home and auto insurance policies.

  • Increase Your Deductible: Opting for a higher deductible can lower your premium, but make sure you can afford the out-of-pocket expense in case of a claim.

  • Home Improvements: Making certain home improvements, such as installing a new roof or upgrading your electrical system, can sometimes lead to discounts.

  • Security System and Smart Home Devices: Installing a security system or smart home devices like smoke detectors and water leak sensors can often qualify you for discounts.

  • Claims-Free Discount: If you haven't filed any claims for a certain period, you might be eligible for a claims-free discount.

  • Special Discounts: Some insurers offer discounts for specific groups, such as seniors, veterans, or members of certain organizations.

What is the Kangaroo Dory Concierge and how can it help me save on my home insurance?

A: Kangaroo Dory Concierge is a unique service that helps you uncover potential savings on your home insurance. It analyzes your existing policy and identifies any discounts you may be eligible for but haven't yet claimed.

What should I do if I need to file a homeowner insurance claim?

A: If you need to file a claim:

  1. Contact Your Insurance Company or Agent Promptly: Report the incident as soon as possible.

  2. Document the Damage: Take photos or videos of the damage.

  3. Provide Information: Be prepared to provide details about the incident and any relevant documentation, such as receipts or repair estimates.

  4. Cooperate with the Adjuster: An insurance adjuster will be assigned to your claim to assess the damage and determine the payout.

What is the difference between actual cash value and replacement cost coverage?


  • Actual Cash Value (ACV): This covers the cost to replace your belongings minus depreciation.

  • Replacement Cost: This covers the cost to replace your belongings with new items of similar kind and quality, without deducting for depreciation.


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